Pinkoi 商店首頁

海外訂購 Overseas Order

 訂 購 方 式 Ordering Process 

  1. 請先 註冊會員,完成後會收到 Email 確認信件,請點擊信件中連結「驗證帳戶」並重新登入。
    Please register as a member first. After the registration is completed, you will receive an email confirmation letter. Please click the link to verify your account and log in again.
    まずは Breezy Studio 微瘋画室の公式サイトから 会員登録 をしてください。登録完了後、確認メールが届きます。メール内のリンクをクリックしてアカウントを確認し、再度ログインしてください。
  2. 選擇想要訂購的商品加入購物車,填寫您的國家、地址、付款方式以完成訂單。
    Select the product you want to order and add it to the shopping cart, fill in your country, address, and payment method to complete the order.

  3. 目前訂單可寄往台灣、香港、澳門、日本、馬來西亞、新加坡、泰國、南韓、中國大陸、美國、加拿大、墨西哥、英國、法國、德國、荷蘭、波蘭、愛爾蘭、瑞典、挪威、芬蘭、丹麥、西班牙、葡萄牙、義大利、澳洲、紐西蘭等地區,如果沒有您的位址,請來信告知我們,將為您服務。
    Currently, orders can be shipped to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea, China, the United States, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Australia, New Zealand. If your country/region is not listed, please contact us, and we will assist you.
  4. 訂單資訊與包裹動態可於 我的帳號 中查看。
    You can check your order information and shipment status iMy Account .
    注文情報と輸送状況は マイアカウント で確認できます。

 注 意 事 項 Precautions 

  1. 請務必填寫正確及完整收件資訊(實際姓名 / 郵遞區號&地址 / 電話),以免導致包裹無法寄達。
    Please make sure to fill in the correct and complete receiving information (actual name, zip code & address, number) to prevent the package from being undeliverable.
    配達漏れを防ぐため、正確かつ完全な受け取り情報 (実際の名前、郵便番号と住所、電話番号) を入力してください。

  2. 由於海外運送程序繁瑣,恕不提供退換貨服務。
    Due to the complexity of overseas shipping procedures, we do NOT accept returns or exchanges.

  3. 若收到商品有瑕疵、毀損情形,請透過客服信箱與我們聯繫並提供「訂單編號、瑕疵商品名稱、瑕疵狀況及照片」等資料,經確認商品非人為原因造成不堪使用,方予以退款商品金額。
    If the product you received is defective or damaged, please contact us by providing "order number, product name, defect condition and photo" through the customer service mailbox. After confirming that the product is unusable for non-human reasons, the product amount will be refunded.

  4. 各國進口產生之關稅請以寄達國實地為準,寄送前依法以訂單總金額報關,收取包裹時如須支付關稅,須由買家自行負擔。
    Please refer to the destination country for the tariffs incurred by imports from various countries. Before delivery, the total amount of the order should be declared to the customs according to law. If you need to pay tariffs when receiving the package, the buyer must bear it.

 配 送 付 款 Payment & Shipment 

  •  付 款   PayPal 信用卡付款
    Payment:PayPal Credit Card
    お支払い方法は「PayPalクレジットカード 」での支払いになります。

  •  配 送   中華郵政包裹
    Shipment:Chunghwa POST Air Parcel